Reasonable Accommodation Policies & Procedures


A reasonable accommodation is a change or waiver to policies, practices, procedures or services to allow persons with disabilities equal access and opportunity for all Malden Housing Authority programs. A reasonable accommodation request can only be denied if it causes an undue administrative and financial burden or changes the fundamental nature of MHA and its programs. Reasonable accommodation requests can be made by persons with disabilities.

A person with a disability is an individual who has a physical and/or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a history of such an impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment major life activities include but are not limited to self care, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, breathing, learning, thinking and working.


A person with a disability can request a reasonable accommodation to create equal access and opportunity for MHA programs. A limited list of reasonable accommodations examples are provided below:

  1. An applicant/participant is having difficulty locating an apartment that is appropriate for his/her specific disability related needs therefore an extended search time is requested.
  2. Program materials are needed in accessible formats such as large print due to low vision.
  3. An applicant/participant who uses a wheelchair may request a home visit because of a lack of accessible transportation.
  4. An applicant or client requests an additional bedroom due to a disability.
  5. An applicant/participant is being denied rental assistance or being terminated from the program as a result of program violations when failure to comply is due to a disability.


Reasonable accommodations can be made verbally, or the applicant/participant can choose to use the MHA reasonable accommodation form or a format of their own choosing. If the applicant/participant needs help with the reasonable accommodation request process, a MHA staff person will provide that assistance. All reasonable accommodations are kept confidential within MHA.

If the disability or the reason for the reasonable accommodation request is not apparent, MHA may ask the applicant/participant to provide documentation from their health care provider. The health care provider can choose to use MHA Reasonable Accommodation Health Care Provider form or use a format of their own choosing. All reasonable accommodation documentation submitted by the health care provider is kept confidential within MHA.


A copy of this policy will be posted in all public and common use areas.

  1. Copies of this policy and the MHA Reasonable Accommodation Request form will be provided to all applicants/participants at every stage of interaction with MHA.
  2. Depending on the complexity of the reasonable accommodation or the individual MHA regulatory requirement(s), a decision may be granted verbally or in writing within 10 business days of such request or 10 business days after all documentation is provided.
  3. Any denials or terminations will be in accordance with MHA’s existing policies and funding agency regulatory requirements.
  4. Denials of reasonable accommodation requests can be appealed by applicants and clients through the standard MHA hearing process.
